SPECIAL EDITION | Building #teachecon Communities of Practice

Tuesday 17 October, 2-3.30pm (London, BST)

Chair: Cloda Jenkins (Imperial College London, and CTaLE)


Stefania Parades Fuentes (University of Warwick)

Douglas McKee (Cornell University)

Kripa Freitas (University of Toronto)

Better Together has underpinned CTaLE’s work since we were founded in 2015. Over the years we have valued being able to work closely as members and increasingly with a growing group of CTaLE Associates, Advisory Board Members, colleagues in the Economics Network, the RES and the EEA, and our wider ‘Friends of CTaLE’. We are very conscious, and often hear, that not everyone is as fortunate as us. Many working in #teachecon around the world struggle to find people to undertake economics education research with, share thoughts on how to improve economics education in practice and more generally support each other through a rollercoaster journey of a career.

After some thought, and many discussions, we are excited to launch our Communities of Practice initiative as one step towards filling the gap. The idea is to provide a (loose) mechanism for people to group together under themed research areas, with a volunteer coordinator, and to then find a best way of working for themselves. We hope that these Communities will share their output through a wide range of opportunities including but not limited to CTaLE seminars, blogs and working papers. We hope by focusing on our online global presence and our interest in practical research in economics education we can complement the many other exciting initiatives that happen through conferences, training, mentoring and other seminars in different regions.

If you want to find out more about this new initiative, please join us for our first EconTEAching seminar of the 2023/24 academic year where we will host a panel discussion and organise breakout room opportunities for people to start thinking about what Community of Practice they might like to be involved with.

Read CTaLE Associate Christa Hansen’s blog post on this session.